Sunday, August 16, 2009


It is truly amazing how God prepares us for the tasks laid out for us. I went to church this morning and listened to a sermon about "your legacy" and the humble leadership of Moses. This message could not have been more appropriately timed as I begin my career in working with kids. I have been blessed with so many opportunities to prepare myself as an educator and to truly change the lives of my students. As I enter into a brand new stage of my life this week, I am reminded that God has put me in this position for a purpose. Though my experience is little and my confidence is small, the task is still the same. He put me in this specific school, with these specific students, and it is time, now, for me to begin to leave my legacy. What impact will I have on the lives of my students?

1 comment:

  1. Believe you me, Allison!

    You will do great! I already know from your personality that you really are like the ideal elementary school teacher.

    SO. when exactly is the first day of school?
